近半年來,台北市內湖塞車問題,讓市長柯文哲飽受抨擊。他曾考慮要限制開車高承載,最近更拋出「打造輕軌」念頭,想模仿日本山手線,從信義區直通內科。但不管這方式可不可行,其實日本車廠 Toyota 已經有方法改善都會區交通,靠的就是這台三輪「電動汽機車」i-Road。
跪求臺灣政府核准上路!不怕下雨太陽的 Toyota i-Road Toyota i-Road - Renault Twizy 2017 JAPAN
The ultra-compact electric vehicle (EV), "TOYOTA i-ROAD", which caused quite a sensation when it was introduced in 2013, has evolved greatly from a concept vehicle.
Consumer trials are currently underway on the streets of Tokyo.
Delighted users have been amazed by the completely new, exhilarating riding experience and convenience.
跪求臺灣政府核准上路!不怕下雨太陽的 Toyota i-Road
撰文者:Vincent Wu 發表日期:2016/04/12